

“Thought leaders don’t create followers…they create more leaders”

Besten, being an industrial design consultancy, depends mostly on people’s knowledge base than anything else. Our leadership team inspires and empowers others to realize their potential, discover their capabilities and create new leaders. Besten is led by these thought leaders who combine experience and ability to confidently drive strong performances.

They, being thought leaders, help bridge the gap between generational workers while cultivating a team of professionals where insights and ideas are shared, accepted and learnt from. They are the pillars who helped us to hold a lattice in the field of Industrial design consultancy.

V R Pai

V R Pai

R Seshadri

R Seshadri

Joegy Joseph

Joegy Joseph

L Gurumurthy

L Gurumurthy

D Chandramohan

D Chandramohan

Business Enquiry

We would appreciate if you could fill up this business enquiry form. One of us could connect with you through skype, google meet or phone.

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