What is a design charrette?

design charrette is a collaborative meeting during which members of a diverse team collaborate and sketch designs to explore and share a broad diversity of design ideas.

A design charrette is an intensive workshop involving the participation of all the members. In a complex project, the group is often divided into breakout groups with each having a different problem or challenge. These break out groups sit together and brainstorm to get a solution, which is then presented to the group.

The group comprises of members from various disciplines- often stakeholders of the project, design consultants, domain experts. A design charrette, in any industrial project, is a pivotal step to reach a balanced and integrated design. This forms the start point of a project and helps to achieve a buildable plan.

Best practices in design charrettes usually are collected as a handbook to be used for the future.


The objective of a design charrette is to create a solution to the challenge posed.

A key objective of a design charrette is to reduce the time required for planning and conceptualization. A series of brainstorming sessions followed by sketching, and similar exercises and feedback sessions are held. This helps in bringing all inputs, suggestions on the table. Since multiple sub-groups are working simultaneously, the result is often a well-rounded design incorporating the best suggestions, ironing out the bottlenecks.


The time-taken usually varies based on the size of the project. It usually takes a week to 10 days. The drawing of the plan and working of estimates take a bit longer.

As all the right people are available on the table, decisions are taken efficiently and quickly. The project thus takes off to a better start with minimal changes later.

Who is a facilitator?

A neutral person who focuses on guiding the team while ensuring that the team is taking actions. In other words, a facilitator keeps pushing to try new approaches & to bring about solutions.

What is the role of a facilitator?

The facilitator’s role includes the following:

  • To ensure that all participants add their inputs
  • He sees to it that there is only one conversation at a time.
  • The focus is always on ideas and issues.
  • A facilitator ensures concept-understanding for everyone, when a person is speaking
  • He ensures that the group doesn’t deviate from the topic of discussion.
  • Facilitator prepares a summary of the discussions held.
  • He helps in building a consensus, with all in agreement
  • Preparing a final design charrette report
  • Finally, get a consensus on the next meeting especially for which smaller design charrettes have been planned.

Once everyone is on the same page, the design process starts with

  1. Creation of Design parameters
  2. Site features, schedule
  3. Goals of the project

What are the advantages of a design charrette?

  • Design charrette a creative process
  • It gives a kick start to the design process
  • Involvement of a multi-disciplinary team helps in getting various inputs
  • It provides an opportunity to discuss on minimizing health and environmental impacts of each option. It helps in getting a sustainable solution
  • Ironing out bottlenecks the preliminary stage itself
  • It encourages consensus on project goals
  • Quantifiable matrices can be developed for the project goals.
  • It builds consensus on design priorities
  • Work-out multiple conceptual plans
  • It is a collaborative process
  • Helps save time on design iteration during construction.
  • It builds consensus on project timelines
  • Planning of project strategies to avoid surprises later
  • It helps in minimizing resource consumption
  • Provides for opportunities to discuss specific alternatives and improvements
  • Moreover, it provides an opportunity to improve and add lessons learnt from the previous project

What are the disadvantages of a design charrette?

The disadvantages of the design charrette are very few. But proper feedback sessions would minimize

  • There could be an unrealistic expectation
  • Experts domination. The facilitator has to be effective to avoid it.

Who are typically the members of a design charrette?

A design charrette consists of stakeholders and domain experts in the field.

The design charrette in an industrial project typically consists of:

A design charrette helps in creating a cohesive thought process for the core team.

Planning for a design Charrette:

It needs a lot of planning to call for a design charrette. A few essential points are:

  • Planning the date and location
  • Sending invites to all participants
  • Preparing an agenda for the charrette
  • Selecting a facilitator or facilitators
  • Creating project information for the participants
  • Create ground rules for the session
  • Arrange for a site visit

“Design is a thinking process that starts in the head and with sketches. Thinking cannot be done by a computer”   Dieter Rams



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