Slump test

Industrial consultants for civil design and slump test

by Civil, Civil Engineering design

Slump test and Industrial consultants for civil design

What is a concrete slump test?

Civil consultants use the slump test to understand the consistency and workability of concrete. The slump is the distance of the concrete settlement after the cone removal. The slump value differs depending on the usage requirements and type of concrete mix.

Slump Cone

The slump test helps determine the workability of the concrete at the site. The slump equipment has a cone. The contractor pours concrete in four layers, with each layer compacted properly. BIS IS1199 provides guidelines for the slump test. So, Civil consultants use the guidelines to understand the slump test.

Types of slump:

Industrial consultants for civil design

There are three types of slump based on their appearance:

  • True slump: is when the concrete drops evenly all over without disintegrating. This type of concrete has correct cohesion and workability.
  • Shear slump occurs when the concrete has no or little cohesion, segregates, and bleeds.
  • Collapse Slump: this results when the water content is high.

The types of slumps based on their value are:

  • Very low workability: has a slump value of 0 mm to 25 mm
  • Low workability: This shows that the concrete is dry and stiff. Adding admixtures or water helps improve workability. The slump value is between 25mm to 50 mm.
  • Medium Slump: This is the ideal type of slump. The slump value is between 50 mm and 100 mm.
  • High slump: indicates that the concrete mix is too wet, and segregation and bleeding are common. The slump value is 100 mm to 175mm.

What is concrete workability?

Workability or workable concrete means the consistency of concrete and much more. On the other hand, consistency means the fluidity or mobility of concrete. So the civil consultants are able to understand the concrete to be laid.

Some factors that improve the workability are:

  • Water content, mix proportions, aggregate size, and aggregate surface texture enhance the lubricating effect and help in compaction.
  • Admixtures help improve the workability of concrete.

The slump value and appearance of the slump help Industrial consultants for civil design gain valuable insights into the workability of concrete. Thus, corrective action, if required, can be taken.



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