Total Design

Total Design is a comprehensive approach whereby multi-disciplinary teams come together and commit to collaborate early in the design process. It is a highly participatory process wherein stakeholders from the client and our team come together to produce an integrated design. They consider all factors and modulations of each specialism together, which otherwise were considered separately. Finally, their goal is to ensure that the industrial project meets all the needs without any ‘loose coupling’ between disciplines. This design approach is focused on the functions, processes, and procedures of design and is not a design style.

We have developed and installed several collaborative methods & tools to ‘couple’ different specialism on a single platform. These platforms encourage and enable the specialists of different disciplines to come and work together to deliver high-performance projects.

In a Total Design environment, there is no place for those people who are only interested in their part of the design. It requires a committed multi-disciplinary team with stable membership who respect each other and adopt an integrated approach to problem-solving. They need to shed sectional prejudices and work for the overall success of the project rather than for individual glory.

At Besten, we provide extensive training to each team member to have at least one core competency. The training also aims at providing substantial knowledge of other disciplines involved in an industrial project. We have made a considerable investment in terms of tools, methods, and software to re-skill, cross skill, and up-skill the team.

We, at Besten, regularly hold design charrette to provide an opportunity for clients, specialists, and other stakeholders to collaborate and co-develop. This creates a natural momentum for the design process whereby the stakeholders don’t want to stop working. The momentum brings a convergence of ideas and clarity of thought.

Total Design results in optimizing and balancing the different components of the industrial project to produce a harmonious whole. This ensures that there is no ‘joint’ between different disciplines and also saves cost, energy, and space.

Business Enquiry

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