What is a Multi-Disciplinary Project Team? A multi-disciplinary team consists of people from different disciplines who come together for a common objective. In industrial projects, the industrial projects design consultants' team consists of Architects, Civil...

Rainwater harvesting recharge pit
What is a rainwater harvest recharge pit? A rainwater harvest recharge pit is a pit to replenish the groundwater artificially. Consultants for civil design study the geophysical survey to understand the aquifers. They then plan the location of the recharge pits. A...
Role of industrial architects in project scope
What is project scope? Project scope defines the project in terms of planning project goals, deliverables, constraints, risks, and responsibility matrix. The scope is co-evolved by the client's project stakeholders and the industrial project architects. This...
Roads are an integral element in a factory
Roads -an important element of any factory Roads are an integral element in any industrial facility. That is one of the reasons why industrial civil engineering consultants must design a road to meet the project's requirements. Civil design consultants must also...
Proof Checking by design consultants in industrial project
Proof Checking by design consultants in industrial project What is design proof checking by design consultants? Scrutiny of the design by another team of design consultants in industrial project is proof-checking. Furthermore, project teams go for proof-checking in...
Architects and industrial projects
Architects of industrial projects are a team of professionals. They guide clients through planning and designing with an eye on regulatory compliances and other statutory requirements for their projects. Moreover, industrial Architects ensure that the clients make...
Natural Lighting in factories
What is Lighting? Lighting or illumination uses natural or artificial light in spaces to get the desired aesthetic or functional effect. Architects for green factories use windows, skylights and other methods to optimise natural lighting. Additionally, well-planned...
What is the role of industrial architects & engineers in Virtual Completion of an industrial project?
Industrial projects, be it greenfield or brownfield, are challenging activities. Industrial architects & engineers use various terminology when mentioning project completion. Some of those terms include Partial Completion Substantial Completion Final Completion...
Why drawing issue register is important for a factory design architect?
What is a drawing issue register? Drawings are a crucial link in the design process. It forms a part of the deliverables provided by factory design architects, engineers and consultants. The issue register is a process to record and track the drawings issued. Also,...
Role of architects and consultants in pre-qualification process of industrial projects
What is pre-qualification? Pre-qualification is assessing vendors/ contractors/ suppliers against predetermined criteria. In industrial projects, architects and consultants help clients to prequalify the vendors. Only those who prequalify participate in the tender....
What is Project Kick-off Meeting?
What is a project kick-off meeting? Project kick-off is the initial meeting of the project with the client's team and the engineering design consultants' team. A similar kick-off meeting is also held after contractor finalisation and before mobilisation. Sometimes,...
Request for Information in industrial projects
What is Request For Information? A request for information (RFI) is a document to get inputs or clarify details during the project process. Industrial construction projects with multiple stakeholders and many challenges. RFIs are a medium through which the inputs or...
Greenfield industrial projects
Greenfield projects do not have any development or construction -the architect for industrial projects has a free hand in designing. The plot is green or unused land as the land has no previous developments. The client and architects have to identify the land and...
Standardised drawings for industrial projects
What are standardised drawings? Standardised drawings are templates that contain standardised details, notes, legends etc. So, architects and Engineering design consultants use the same set of standard drawings throughout the project for familiarity and faster...
Are industrial infrastructure design consultants needed?
Who are design consultants? Consultants are experts or teams of experts who give their insights to clients using their knowledge, expertise and experience. Industrial infrastructure design consultants provide their expertise in designing facilities to suit the...