What is a Master Plan?

by Integrated industrial design, Pre-design

What is a Master Plan?

A master plan is a long-term outline beyond the current scope of the project. It provides for a structured, sustainable and clear development road map for a larger area over a longer time period. It provides the foundation for the preparation of more detailed plans or a collection of detailed plans. All activities during preparation, design and implementation of the current and/or future development shall reflect the requirements of the master plan. Architects for industrial projects and consultants prepare the master plan for the site, influenced by data on current and future requirements of the end-user. Additionally, other considerations are topography, future business forecasts, current and future zoning plans, Government policies, site constraints, sustainability requirements etc.

What are the types of masterplan?

There are two types of masterplans:

  • Strategic master plan is usually for a country, region, city etc. It involves the government or local authority in framing the plan.
  • Project masterplan is generally specific to a site defined by boundaries. It could be for developing land for an industrial park, residential area, industry, mixed-use areas etc.

Why is a project master plan essential for an industry?

  • It provides a vision for the facility & lays a foundation for a detailed plan.
  • It shows the most suitable location for various site elements and provides an overview of future requirements. This prevents the unplanned growth of the site and a patchwork approach to the facility.
  • It forms the basis of understanding the relationship between buildings and other site infrastructure.
  • The entire man & material flow in the facility is conceptualized.
  • It helps architects for industrial projects to plan the utilities and site infrastructure based on current and future needs.

Who all should participate in the master plan creation process?

A masterplan is a long term document and requires the active participation of all the key stakeholders of the client and the industrial architects and consultants.

What are the factors to be considered by industrial architects and consultants while preparing a masterplan?

The factors to be considered while creating a masterplan depends on the type of industry and the client. However, an indicative list considered by architects for industrial projects is as follows:

  • Current & future requirements of the client
  • Codes & standards
  • Topography
  • Current & future zoning plans
  • Government policies
  • Site constraints
  • Sustainability requirements
  • Future Business forecasts

“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” – Tom Landry

In conclusion, architects for industrial projects and consultants should understand the need for masterplan and prepare it accordingly.



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