Project design consultant

What is a project design brief?

A project design brief is a reference document for industrial infrastructure projects. It is co-evolved by the client and the industrial project design consultants. This document defines the vital details of the project.  This design brief is the final stage in defining the project’s requirements and documenting them. However, this document will have undergone many iterations. The team of the project design consultants usually prepare the design brief. 

The client’s perspective towards design defines the role of a design brief. While the client sees the preparation of a design brief as a process to document the project requirements, it is a process of facilitation for the project design consultants. For the process design consultants, being involved in the design brief is necessary to co-evolve the project with the client. Additionally, it improves the other aspects of the project like budget, timelines, communication. 

What are the contents of the project design brief?

  1. One of the vital activities while creating the design brief is to collect information about the project. 
  2. Another important activity is to discuss the project goals.
  3. Keeping achievable budget and timelines is equally essential 
  4. This design brief also helps create a structure for communication and the individual roles and responsibilities. 
  5. Collect information about the current and future projects
  6. Get the level of flexibility for various requirements. 

Project design consultant

Inputs collected by the project design consultant

  1. Existing information if it is a brownfield project
  2. Site surveys like the Contour survey
  3. Inputs from the project stakeholders
  4. Statutory Authorities
  5. Site information: surveys, land condition, access roads 
  6. Space requirements: special areas, requirements, User requirements and the occupants, their specific requirements, zoning requirements
  7. Technical Specifications: specific building requirements like height, loads, column distance, air changes, acoustic requirements, insulation
  8. Fire safety requirements
  9. Waste management 
  10. Sustainability requirements
  11. Flexibility and future requirements
  12. Project requirements: Time constraints, budget constraints

Though there may be many ways to reach the design brief, starting fresh for every project is essential. This fresh start helps in getting a new perspective on the project. Hence, the role of project design consultants in preparing the project design brief is crucial. 



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