Civil engineering design consultants

Why do civil engineering design consultants ask for a contour survey?

by Architects and Consultants, Civil Engineering design

What is a Contour Survey?

A contour survey is a site survey that maps the various terrains in a parcel of land. Furthermore, civil engineering design consultants for industrial projects use contour surveys to mark the levels of the site. A contour survey is typically the first step in any construction site. 

Usually, the contour also includes the contour of the adjoining land. Additionally, the surveyor marks the point of reference prominently on the contour drawing.  

Moreover, the details in contour depend on the scope as given in the RFQ by the architects or civil engineering design consultants. 

Industrial Architects & engineers

What does the contour survey include? 

Contour surveys provide information on the property’s trees, natural features, buildings, non-building structures, drains, roads, manholes, wells, and special features. 

What are the uses of a contour for civil engineering design consultants? 

  1. A contour or topographic survey is one of the first steps to get the boundaries of the plot.
  2. The topographic survey helps to optimise land use.
  3. The contour gives all information about the features of the land.
  4. The contour helps civil engineering design consultants plan the plot’s levels, filling, and cutting.
  5. It provides civil consultants with the slope of the land. The consultants can design the project to avoid flooding. 
  6. The topographic survey provides the plot level with respect to the road. 
  7. The topographic survey gives information on water bodies nearby. 
  8. The natural gradient of the plot can be utilised.
  9. Architects use natural water catchment areas and create an aesthetic feature in the facility. 
  10. Contour lines help to measure distances on sloping land with utmost accuracy by using contour lines.

However, the details in the contour depend on the RFQ given by the civil engineering consultants. Hence, civil engineering consultants must provide the contour survey agencies with a clear RFQ. This helps in optimising space usage. 



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