Factory Architects

Role of factory architects in preparation of a pre-engineering document

by Architects and Consultants, Concept design

What is a pre-engineering document? 

A pre-engineering document refers to a document or a set of documents that factory architects create in the planning phase of a project. This document includes project goals, timelines, constraints, requirements and feasibility. However, the pre-engineering document varies depending on the type of project and industry, but they form a guide for the design consultants for the project. 

An important part of the document is identifying the potential challenges and looking for solutions to mitigate the issues. This part of the document ensures that the timelines are met, and there are no surprises in the project.  

What are the contents of a pre-engineering document?

Factory Architects

The contents of the pre-engineering document vary based on the type of the project. However, some components are: 

  1. Preamble: This is the introduction to the document
  2. Readership: This section lists readers likely to refer to this document. This section also provides the list of participants while preparing this document. 
  3. Project Overview: This section overviews the project, the objective, and the desired outcomes.
  4. Requirements Analysis: This section provides the functional and technical requirements of the project and any constraints.
  5. Conceptual Design: It provides the initial design concepts and the project’s requirements.
  6. Cost Estimates: This section provides a block estimate of the project.
  7. Schedule: It includes timelines, major milestones, key activities, and hold points.
  8. Risk Assessment: This section deals with potential risks and uncertainties associated with the project. It also has strategies for mitigating the potential risk. 

Who are the participants? 

Typically, the project’s stakeholders are involved in preparing this document. The architect and the conceptualisation team typically participate from the design consultants’ side. Moreover, in some projects, the process consultants also participate. 


The pre-engineering document serves as a foundation and ensures that the project team and stakeholders share the project goals.  Additionally, factory architects ensure that the pre-engineering document has all the information needed. 



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