Industrial architects and engineers

Current trends of sustainable Industrial design

by Green design, Holistic Industrial design


Sustainable industrial design trends are becoming more and more critical every year. Architects and engineers are making buildings more environment-friendly with great efforts, and all top buildings reflect the hard work.

Current trends

Here are a few current sustainable industrial design trends that are acting as a game-changer currently:-

The biophilic design melds sustainability and wellness-

Biophilic design is inter-connected with sustainable industrial design and utilizes natural elements in the design process. The main difference between sustainable and biophilic is biophilic focusses on healthier buildings, whereas sustainable aims on eco-friendly buildings. The best buildings built demonstrate these two thoughts and produce great results.

Multi-use spaces reduce the need for new buildings.

Sustainable industrial design involves more than green building and environment initiatives. Architects and engineers have to see the long term impact of buildings sustainability. A building’s certification also takes long term commitment, along with usability. Multi-use space can suit itself to any needs and cater to a broad range. Many buildings also use a modular design, which allows occupants to see potential in a period and allow residents to change accordingly.

Green certifications are going mainstream.

As interest in sustainable industrial design grows, buildings push for certification of wellness and environment-friendly. LEED is the top standard, which is used by the industry due to its rigorous requirements and focus on sustainability. Another challenge called the living building challenge is used to encourage built environments, which are self-sufficient and beneficial to nature. We use ‘petals’ system to analyze the building positivity on environment.

Sustainability is adapting to mitigate climate change.

Buildings must try to adopt climate change to be sustainable. Many built environments turn to sustainable industrial design to adapt to climate change, and building materials also play an essential role here. Architects and engineers are also seeking to improve resiliency to defend buildings from climate change. Due to climate change, many buildings fall prey to flooding and other natural disasters, so resiliency turns a key area focus on sustainable industrial design.

Stormwater management

Stormwater management helps in soaking of water, where rainfalls have occurred and prevented flooding. Its also more cost-effective, and it also prevents damages.

Zero energy buildings

Zero energy buildings are gaining more traction in the current years as they are very ambitious. Energy-efficient appliances, operation, and maintenance come on the premises. Solar or wind power also form a part of this. Large cities benefit from this type of building.

Cooling roofs

A highly reflective paint, special shingles, and the sheet covering make this up. The advantages are it stays 50 degrees cooler than the normal roof and will save your money on your bill during summer months.


These trends prove the fact that sustainable industrial design is here to stay to meet the needs of the environment and will allow Industrial architects and engineers to design buildings for people to live and for the future of the earth and climate



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